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Walking in a Straight Line - for the children and pregnant mothers of Gaza

Show your support for Craig as he walks 2000km from Norseman in Western Australia to Parliament House, Adelaide

Craig will be walking from May 12th to July 19th 2024.

Craig Nielsen, member of AFOPA and High School Physics and Maths teacher from Adelaide, will be walking from Norseman in Western Australia to Parliament House in Adelaide (2,000 km) to raise money for pregnant mothers and their newborns in Gaza. Act for Peace, an International Humanitarian Organisation, in tandem with the Near East Council of Churches in Gaza, runs a program providing primary medical care for pregnant woman and their newborn babies in Gaza.

 Craig will be walking from May 12th to July 19th 2024. Show your support by emailing him on with your best wishes and keep up with his updates on Facebook! You can also show support by donating on the Act for Peace charity page which can be found by scanning the QR code below:

7 May

Snap Rally - Adelaide Uiversity Encampment & May 4pm

15 May

Commemorate Nakba 1948