The Australian Friends of Palestine Association (AFOPA) is a not-for-profit Adelaide-based organisation established in 2004 that promotes justice for Palestinians based on international law and United Nations resolutions.
AFOPA has a strong and diverse membership base supported by an active and committed Executive Committee. The Executive Committee leads AFOPA’s strategic directions and the implementation of our Business Plan.
AFOPA’s vision - to play an impactful role in achieving a just and equitable peace for Palestinians.
AFOPA’s purpose - we exist to support the aspirations of Palestinians for justice, equality and human rights.
AFOPA’s objectives
To promote a just and equitable peace in Palestine based on international law and relevant United Nations Resolutions
To engage the Australian people, politicians, government and other entities in advocating for the aspirations of the Palestinian people to live with self-determination on their own land
To disseminate information promoting the objectives of the Association through public seminars, discussions and educational forums
To undertake fundraising activities that support the Association’s objectives and the humanitarian, social, charitable and health needs of the Palestinian people
To collaborate with like-minded organisations on initiatives that support the achievement of equality, justice and human rights for the Palestinian people
To promote and facilitate recognition of and respect for Palestinian identity, heritage and culture.
What we do:
Campaign to influence Australian political attitudes at Commonwealth and State levels and effect policy change.
Conduct 52 Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) actions per year– since 2010.
Organise events that help South Australians understand the reality of the illegal occupation of Palestine. Key events – annual Nakba (“Catastrophe”) commemoration, annual Edward Said Memorial Lecture, Palestine Talks online presentations, film screenings, book launches and Run for Palestine for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
Fundraise to support humanitarian projects in occupied Palestine – including Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF), Military Court Watch and medical mission
Support Palestinian businesses, workers and families through our unique Palestine Centre for Peace which brings handmade Palestinian products to Australia.
Provide supervised internships for university students and support the Young Australian Friends of Palestine group.
See AFOPA’s Constitution and Objectives, our Campaigns and Events, or click below to become a Member, make a donation or subscribe to our mailing list.
Australian Friends of Palestine Association (AFOPA)
Incorporated Association (South Australia): A38106
ABN: 42 649 676 741
GPO Box 946, Adelaide SA 5001, Australia
Tel. (+61) 08 8232 5273