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Peacemaking in the modern world

  • Brunswick Uniting Church 212 Sydney Road Brunswick, VIC, 3056 Australia (map)

Jasmine has been living in Al-Khalil (Hebron) in Palestine since late in 2016. Everyday she accompanies and supports Palestinian children and adults as the negotiate the reality of checkpoints, restricted access to their own neighbourhoods and have to endure the reality of occupation. Hear from Jasmine about her work with the Christian Peacemaker Teams and what it means to be seek peace in the modern world.

Full event details at FACEBOOK EVENT | WEBPAGE

Sponsored by Brunswick Uniting Church & the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network.

[Note: this is not an AFOPA-organised event; AFOPA takes no responsibility or liability for this event.]

21 July

AFOPA Annual General Meeting

26 July

Dinner with Janet Venn-Brown and Peter Manning