The Australian Friends of Palestine Association proudly announces its new project for 2017-18, Showcasing Palestine.
Project description
A 2017 Roy Morgan opinion poll revealed that only 44% of Australians feel they know about Palestine. Australians’ exposure to Palestine is generally only via the news media focussed on politics and conflict, and rarely on the Palestinian people. Understanding between peoples has always been achieved through meeting at the human level and exploring one another's culture. AFOPA aims to increase Australians' knowledge and interest in Palestinians by exposing them to the richness and depth of Palestinian culture. The five projects that will showcase fashion, food, art, craft, music, literature and a fun sporting activity will engage Australians and Palestinians at a personal level and create opportunities for exploration of each other's backgrounds and cultures. This will promote an increase in Australians' knowledge of Palestine and the Middle East, create interest in travel to the Middle East, challenge stereotypes, and stimulate a more confident engagement between Australians and Palestinians to their mutual benefit.
#ShowcasingPalestine #CAAR
Project activities
- Run For Palestine - Adelaide, 19 November 2017
- Poetry of Palestine, 31 January 2018
- Palestinian Cooking Course, 6/13 February 2018
- WOMADelaide, 9-12 March 2018
- Palestine Cultural Day, 6 May 2018
As our various events get underway, we'll be highlighting them here, so stay tuned...
#ShowcasingPalestine #CAAR
We welcome you to join us in this exciting new initiative by becoming a member of AFOPA or volunteering your skills, time and expertise to help us put on the best events we can - please contact us.
AFOPA acknowledges and thanks the Council for Australian-Arab Relations of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for their generous support of this project.