Sunday, 18 November 2018
I cannot participate, but I want to make a donation!
Your donation helps to...
Provide medical, humanitarian and advocacy support in Palestine. AFOPA has been active over many years supporting medical and allied health services and infrastructure in Palestine. We also support human rights advocacy groups, such as Military Court Watch, on the issue of Palestinian children in Israeli military prisons.
Provide community education and awareness in Australia. The issues facing Palestine and the Palestinian people are brought to Australia through visiting Palestinian, Israeli and international guests in AFOPA’s annual Edward Said Memorial Lecture held in Adelaide. Your support ensures the Palestinian story is heard here in Australia.
Support Palestinian workers, factories and families through our unique Palestine Centre For Peace in Adelaide – a retail and resource centre bringing Palestinian products to Australia, such as olive oil and other fair trade foodstuffs, hand-made ceramics and embroidery, organic olive oil soaps, books and publications. We hope to see you soon at the Centre, located on 60 Frome Street, Adelaide.
Thank you!
Cheque: If you wish to donate by Cheque, here's our Donation Form to print & post [pdf].
Online: Click below and proceed to make payment - Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay & Masterpass (Digital Wallet) accepted.
Regular Donation: Your regular donation reduces our administrative costs immensely. Please consider making your contribution a regular monthly payment from your credit/debit card. You select your donation option, make your first payment, and we'll arrange the rest. Thank you for considering regular donations!
(The button above will open to the AFOPA donation form.)
Receipts will be issued for all payments.
Unfortunately, donations to AFOPA are not tax-deductible as we do not fit the ATO criteria for tax deductibility.
Australian Friends of Palestine Association (AFOPA)
Incorporated Association (South Australia): A38106
ABN: 42 649 676 741
GPO Box 455, Adelaide SA 5001, Australia
Tel. (+61) 08 8232 5273
Fax. (+61) 08 8227 2495