Big Ride for Palestine Adelaide
09 JANUARY 2025
Local cycling group does not welcome Israeli team involvement in the Tour Down Under
Local cycling group The Big Ride for Palestine (SA) will cycle from Victoria Square to Glenelg on Sunday 12th January 2025 as a curtain raiser to their campaign protesting the involvement of the Israel-Premier Tech team at this year’s Tour Down Under.
Big Ride for Palestine is calling on all cyclists to join them at 7:45 am on Sunday morning to support the Palestinian people and oppose the illegal Israeli war.
This cycling event also supports the National and International campaign of the Gaza Sunbirds, a Palestinian para-cycling team.
Riders will gather at the SE corner of Victoria Square near the John Dowie 4 Rivers of the Adelaide Plains fountain at 7:45 am on Sunday 12 January.
Riders celebrate the TDU as a key SA event but will oppose the participation of the Israel -Premier Tech team.
“We know that Canadian-Israeli Sylvan Adams, co-founder and funder of Israel-Premier Tech, has admitted he is using some of the best cyclists in the world so a positive idea of Israel is being disseminated to hundreds of millions of people” said Chris Yiallouros.
“We also know Mr Adams stated in the Jewish Chronicle on 26/07/2023 “It’s the culmination of a personal passion and a worldwide advertising board to win hearts and minds to the Israeli cause.””
“We also want to support the Gaza Sunbirds para-cycling team. There will be a presentation celebrating the para-cycling team, and our riders will cycle to Glenelg where a collection will be made to support the Gaza Sunbird’s charity program.”
For media comment please contact Chris Yiallouros on 0421 686 035 or email
The Big Ride for Palestine SA supports calls from around the world for an immediate end to Israeli attacks and its illegal and inhumane 17 year blockade of Gaza. We support a just peace for the Palestinian people based on international law and UN resolutions.
Big Ride for Palestine SA was established in late 2023 by a group of committed cyclists in liaison with the Australian Friends of Palestine (AFOPA).
Over 60 riders participated in AFOPAs ‘Big Run Walk Ride’ fund raiser for Palestine held on 13th October 2024. Since their inception, the group has hosted a number of rides.
The Gaza Sunbirds are a para- cycling team, formed in 2020 by Alaa al-Dali and Karim Ali. Many of their riders are civilian amputees, deliberately targeted by Israeli snipers. In 2018 Alaa al-Dali qualified to compete at the Asian Games, but could not obtain a permit from the Israeli government to leave the Gaza Strip. In March 2018, he attended the Great March of Return protest in his cycling gear and was shot in the leg by an Israeli sniper, shattering his bone. His leg ultimately had to be amputated. He began relearning to ride a modified bike, two months after his amputation. Hope grows amongst the horror of Israel’s invasion
After October 2023, the Gaza Sunbirds began to distribute food to Gaza residents using their bicycles. As of May 2024 they have distributed "$140,000 worth of aid, 72,000 kg of food parcels, 7,000 hot meals, hygiene kits to 500 beneficiaries, provided shelter for 225 families and built 3 toilets and 2 water systems for refugee camps.” The war interrupted the team's hopes of competing at the 2024 Summer Para Olympic Games. Team members have been impacted by the famine and humanitarian crisis.
Al-Dali stated, “I had a dream of being a champion with both legs. After my amputation, I am determined to be a champion for Palestine with one. It is our duty to rise to the obstacles of our ongoing struggle. We ride to show the world our resilience, to bring hope home, and to inspire people through our stories. We are riding for freedom.”
To date the team has already made history as the first Palestinian cycling team competing internationally. The team has competed in the Para-cycling World Cup in Belgium and Italy. Cycling groups around the world have organized rides in support of the Gaza Sunbirds.
For media comment please contact Chris Yiallouros on 0421 686 035 or email
12 NOVEMBER 2024
You are invited to our last Big Ride for 2024.
In the lead up to the Tour Down Under we wish to offer a slightly longer ride to enhance our fitness.
There will be options for riders. You can ride to Pt Adelaide for coffee and then return with a marshal escort to the city.
If you feel like a longer ride, you can ride onto Outer Harbour and then return to the city with a marshal escort.
Please wear your Big Ride Jersey or Palestinian colours.
There will be coffee stops…..naturally.
If the weather reports are unfavourable we will use FaceBook to advise you.
See you there on Sunday 24th at the Torrens Weir.
27 OCTOBER 2024
Cycling Jerseys Now Available!
11 August 2024
AUGUST 25th BIG RIDE FOR PALESTINE: Ride to Port Adelaide
Its only two months to our major October AFOPA event, RUN WALK and RIDE for PALESTINE
Let’s get more experience, confidence and km riding as a group
See full details at AFOPA’s Events Page
25 JULY 2024
Order on line and join us on our regular rides and also for the major AFOPA Run Walk and Ride for Palestine at Glenelg to be held on Sunday 13th October.
These Jerseys have been professionally designed and feature the logos of key sponsors.
Two styles available for separate prices: Performance Fit Jersey & Sportive Cycling Jersey.
Order here.
For a limited time, there is an introductory price reduction for the first 50 Jerseys sold. Get in early. Buy a jersey. Fly the flag of support for Palestinian resistance.
If you have any problems with your online order, contact Help Desk support available from the Adelaide manufacturer Black Chrome 82445500
30 JUNE 2024
Third Big Ride for Palestine - SA
Sunday 30 June Victoria Square to Glenelg - Tarntanyangga to Pattawilya
Big Riders getting their instructions at Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga before setting off to GlenelgPattawilya
Twenty eight hardy souls weathered temperatures in single figures on Sunday to support Human Appeal Australia’s appeal for Gaza, by participating in the third Big Ride for Palestine SA.
Prior to the ride, we heard a short address about the transfer of weapons, ammunition and components to Israel that constitute serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian laws. We recall that this State risks complicity in international crimes, possibly including genocide, as we are the home to BAE Systems Australia which exports fighter jet components.
As we witness on the nightly news, the Israeli military assault is characterised by indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on the civilian population and infrastructure, with the horrifying use of explosive and incendiary weapons in densely populated areas, as well as in the destruction of essential civilian infrastructure, including housing and shelters, health, education, water and sanitation facilities. These attacks have resulted in more than 40,000 deaths in Gaza including 15,000 children and 84,000 injured. Of these deaths and injuries, an estimated 70 per cent are women and children. Today, children in Gaza are the largest group of amputee children in the world. And as we were to hear later that day at the AFOPA rally on the steps of Parliament House, these operations have also resulted in severe environmental and climate damages.
The US Biden administration lifted the embargo on one transfer of munitions. The same munitions embargoed earlier due to “concerns about human rights abuses and targeting of civilians. The weapons released were 10,000, 980 kilogram bombs and thousands of missiles. The release signals continued attacks on Gaza and Southern Lebanon as Netanyahu and the IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces) seek to broaden the conflict and sustain the genocide while restricting humanitarian assistance and aid.
The riders further heard that the UN views the humanitarian situation in Gaza as a catastrophe, particularly for women and girls, exhausted by famine and fear. A million Palestinians have been displaced since October 2023, many for multiple times in the pincer movements of the IOF concentrating on camps across Gaza.
We also heard that the situation of malnutrition among children was severe according to UNICEF, who reported a doubling of acute malnutrition in the last month and the deaths of 23 children from malnutrition and dehydration in the hot conditions of the Palestinian summer.
Focus of the ride
The ride was dedicated to support and raise funds for Human Appeal Australia, who have been and remain active on the ground in Gaza, focusing currently on mobile clinical services visiting shelter schools to provide healthcare for families and to distribute food parcels and water as part of their Gaza Appeal.
With those sobering thoughts in mind, washing away any concern for the cold, the twenty eight hardy souls rode to Glenelg, where we shared coffees over further discussions of the historic and current situation in Palestine.
We look forward to our next ride, knowing that we can and will contribute in a meaningful way to the liberation of Palestine and the support of Palestinian people.

16 JUNE 2024
June 30 2024 Big Ride for Palestine
Ride to support Human Appeal Australia Gaza Relief.
TIME: meet 9:00 am, depart 9:30 am sharp.
DESTINATION: Ride finishes at Wigley Reserve Glenelg for coffee/chat. We will offer an escorted group ride back to the City, mainly on dedicated cycle paths.
4 June 2024
Big Rider 4 Palestine in Melbourne!
I spent the weekend in Melbourne and was luckily able to join the pro-Palestinian rally there on Sunday 2nd June.
Over 5000 enthusiastic activists and community members braved the chill of winter to shut down the corner of Flinders and Swanson streets to recreate the wreckage of a bomb site, lighting flares and waving mock missiles and drones, while others writhed like casualties on the ground. It helped to recreate in our minds, the scenes and sounds of the war in Gaza. But without the bloodshed and the cries of the dying.
I was reminded that 80 percent of the buildings in Gaza, have been destroyed. Some 2.5 million Palestinians had lived and worked in these buildings before the Israeli regime forces started bombing them, forcing the people to flee following a special retaliatory operation by Palestinian resistance groups on October 7, 2023.
Since then, the Israeli attacks have displaced almost the whole population and at least 36,439 Palestinians have been killed, with 15 000 of them being children.
The protesters then marched down Swanston St to the State Library where speakers called on the federal government to end the production, export and contracts of weapons manufacturing with Israel and Israeli companies and to impose sanctions on Israel and expel the Israeli ambassador.
The Greens candidate running in Bob Hawke's old seat at the next federal election addressed protesters outside the State Library. Protest organizer, Sri Lankan-Australian social worker (Samantha) Shantini Ratnam called on the federal government to stop backing the brutal expansionist Israeli regime, and make Tel Aviv agree to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.
She stated the obvious when she said that so many community members feel "betrayed and abandoned" by Labor over Gaza.
Another speaker, Palestine Action Group activist Amal Naser told the crowd "this week we have seen some of the most deadly and greatest massacres conducted by the Israeli regime to date. We have to continue filling the streets, we have to continue escalating so our governments our leadership can no longer ignore us".
The rally was lively, colourful and noisy. The protesters were clearly committed and represented a broad cross section of the community from young families, students and many older people as well, watched on by a very large contingent of Victorian Police. The Police effectively ended the rally by reopening Swanston St to the trams. You can’t argue with a Melbourne tram! Signs all around the city reminded us that one tram has the weight of 35 rhinos. I wasn’t about to test that theory!
So although I couldn’t be in Adelaide for the AFOPA rally, it was clear to me that ordinary citizens have been gathering in their thousands in Melbourne and across Australia every Sunday since Israel began its war on Gaza.
This is becoming the largest movement for justice, working in peace to end the genocide of the Palestinian people.
Let’s keep Riding and Rallying for Palestine! The politicians can’t ignore us.
Chris Yiallouros
Big Ride for Palestine SA
Rally in Melbourne/Naarm, 2 June 2024 - Photo by Chris Yiallouros
26 May 2024
Fantastic photos by Asbjorn Kanck of the second Big Ride for Palestine Adelaide event. They assembled at the three rivers fountain at Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga and rode to the sea at Glenelg.

25 May 2024
On 25 May, riders from The Big Ride for Palestine SA supported AFOPA’s call to join the Unionists4Palestine SA’s national action to boycott Israeli company, Zim Shipping and an end to all trade with Israel through Australian ports. AFOPA has strongly supported the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement since 2009.
We heard strong speeches from the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and the Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union (CEPU) along with other community representatives condemning the maritime trade in arms and weapons, including trade with identified SA companies. The CEPU, MUA, CFMEU and the HSU are generous sponsors for the The Big Ride for Palestine SA jerseys, which are in production and will be soon available.
We were pleased to ride to the Port on Saturday 25 May as part of a day of National action in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne and Tasmania. Activities like these have the cumulative effect of demonstrating to the Australian Government and Israelis that there will be a devastating economic cost to their country if they pursue policies of apartheid and genocide in Palestine.
The activity combined our passion for cycling with campaigning and awareness raising in support of the Palestinian people.
Big Ride to celebrate the UN Assembly’s support for Palestine.
The AFOPA Big Ride for Palestine SA bike riding group is planning to build on the success of the inaugural ride which was held recently on Sunday 28th April. The group has planned two escorted rides, on Sundays 26 May and June 30. Each ride will assemble at 8:30 am for a 9:00am departure from the southern end of Victoria Square and ride to Glenelg.
Why do we ride?
We will ride specifically to celebrate the recent decision by the UN General Assembly’s to begin the process of recognising Palestine as a State.
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has backed a Palestinian bid to become a full UN member. This bid must be referred to the UN Security Council, and the UNGA in doing so has recommended the US does not veto the proposal when it is considered by the Security Council.
The UNGA overwhelmingly adopted a resolution on Friday 9 May with 143 votes in favour and nine against – including the US and Israel – while 25 countries abstained. It does not give the Palestinians full UN membership, but simply recognises them as qualified to join and gives them limited rights at the Assembly.
The Palestinian push for full UN membership comes seven months into the Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, and as Israel is expanding illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.
It is an important milestone for Palestine for achieving status in the world arena.
How does riding help the Palestinians?
The overwhelming support for Palestinian statehood has come after years and months of pressure from people like ourselves all over the world, demonstrating in cities and towns, lobbying their politicians, taking direct action in schools and universities and by boycotting Israeli products and services.
These small concerted actions, incrementally add up to overwhelming pressure. Our rides help build awareness in the public of the plight of Palestinians struggling against apartheid, repression and genocidal military attacks by Israel that have increased since October 2023.
Put these dates in your diaries. Check your bike. Pump up your tyres and oil your chain. Bring your friends along and support Palestine in a practical and healthy way.
Sunday 12 May 2024
Members of the Big Ride for Palestine Group Adelaide visit the Adelaide University Student Gaza Encampment.

Big Ride for Palestine SA Inaugural Ride
All photos by Aussie Kanck, with thanks
Sunday 28 April 2024
Today an enthusiastic and varied group of 44 people participated in the inaugural ride for the AFOPA - APHEDA Big Ride for Palestine SA group.
The eclectic group varied in age and ability, in their choice of bikes and riding attire but were united in the common purpose of shining a spotlight on the human suffering that the State of Israel, its leadership and military forces are perpetrating in front of the world’s eyes.
The group assembled on the chilly banks of the River Torrens at Elder Park and dedicated their ride from the River Torrens to the sea at Glenelg, to the traditional Kaurna custodians of the Adelaide Plains and in solidarity with the Palestinians in their struggle to end the genocide and achieve recognition for the state of Palestine.
The group rode up King William Street and through the city, joining Anzac Highway and eventually ending at Wrigley Reserve, Glenelg where AFOPA spokesperson, Mike Khizam addressed the group and applauded their efforts in combining a love of cycling with a practical demonstration of solidarity.
Group members shared coffee and chat at Wrigley Reserve, expressing support for proposed future rides, campaigns and fund raising efforts, such as the planned Walk, Run and Ride for Palestine on October 13 this year. Many locals joined in conversation with the riders, expressing support for the Ride for Palestine and there were plenty of beeps of support from drivers as the group progressed along Anzac Highway.
Many thanks are extended to the Ride marshalls, many of whom are AFOPA members, (including Donald Barnes, Gregg Ryan, Chris Yiallouros, Les Birch, Terry Grealy) who ensured a safe and enjoyable ride experience while also sharing safe riding and mechanical tips with participants.
Keep an eye on this blog for notification of the next planned ride in late May.
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From the river
to the sea