What AFOPA's members and friends said

Dear AFOPA members and friends of Palestine

September’s “3 Things” focuses on the results of our February 2021 Survey of Members and Supporters, and on three Multicultural SA grants awarded to AFOPA this year.

Thank you to the 93 respondents who provided valuable feedback on where we are meeting (and exceeding!) your expectations and on how we can improve.

AFOPA exists to support the aspirations of Palestinians for justice, equality and human rights. As an organisation, we can’t play an impactful role in achieving a just and equitable peace for Palestinians without you – our members, supporters and like-minded organisations.

Your feedback is therefore critical to how we do this together and to inform our priorities and activities as well as how we engage with you.

In November 2020, the AFOPA Executive Committee participated in an extensive planning process which resulted in a new Business Plan. Much of the feedback received thorough the Survey supports the vision, purpose statement, strategic priorities, objectives and activities in our Business Plan. Your feedback provides a rich source of information to strengthen this work and our engagement with you. (See the Summary Business Plan)

Overall, the survey responses indicate that you are appreciative of AFOPA’s work and that the organisation’s priorities and directions align well with your interests and expectations. Comments such as, “It’s a very hard task but I’m happy that you do what you do”, “I’m impressed with the work that is done”, and “Keep up the good work!” are consistent across the areas surveyed.

Even more important are the areas suggested where AFOPA can do things differently. These areas for improvement, such as networking with other organisations and accelerating political lobbying, will be considered closely during the Executive Committee’s next planning session this November.

A special thank you to those of you who offered to volunteer. AFOPA’S members have a diverse range of skills and experience that are invaluable in helping the organisation to thrive. We need you to be actively involved. To start the process, we will contact you to understand how you would like to be involved.

For a detailed analysis of survey results, see AFOPA 2021 Survey Analysis.

We are pleased to let you know that AFOPA has been successful in our applications for three grants from Multicultural SA, totalling $15,627. The grant of $8,300 through Expand Together is to buy a new printer and equipment that we can use at events. This grant is particularly welcome as hiring costs for events will be significantly reduced. The Celebrate Together grant of $3,327 will enable us to pay for publicity and promotion costs for our 28 November Run for Palestine community event. Please note that this event may be affected by COVID-19attendance restrictions. The Advance Together grant of $4,000 will help us improve our communication and marketing strategies.

Thank you for your continued support and all you do in solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

Christa Christaki
Australian Friends of Palestine Association (AFOPA)

The Secretary

Australian Friends of Palestine Association, Adelaide, South Australia.


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