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Young Palestinians Media & Advocacy Bootcamp

  • Melbourne 3000 Australia (map)

Young Palestinians Media & Advocacy Bootcamp

Melbourne, VIC

Young Palestinians Media & Advocacy Bootcamp.jpg

The Young Palestinians MEDIA & ADVOCACY BOOTCAMP is Australia’s first intensive fellowship specifically designed for young adults (between 18 and 35yrs), who have capacity and an interest to step up into leadership roles, and who are committing to seeking justice in Palestine (and beyond).

This first of its kind BOOTCAMP will equip young Palestinian leaders from across Australia with the skills and resources to create positive change. Come for intensive training in public speaking and writing for media, political engagement, community mobilisation...Young leaders and activists will learn some of the core skills they need to lead campaigns in their communities, engage politicians, and advocate for the rights of Palestinians!


* Learn campaigning skills
* Hear from activists on how to challenge Australian policy about Palestine
* Practice advocacy and lobbying techniques
* Get a crash course in the best way to communicate your message
* Meet a whole bunch of amazing Palestinians!

Most importantly, this bootcamp will be grounded in decolonial solidarity and knowledge (don’t freak out if you don’t know what this means yet!).


* Applications close December 15!
* Limited places so please register early
* Facilitators, guest speakers, detailed schedule, and location will be sent to participants
* Bootcamp costs are largely covered by APAN, but a contribution of $150 per participant is required. This covers the accommodation, meals and training. (For inter-state participants, transport not inclusive). 50% is to be paid once you are accepted to secure your spot, and the remainder just before the bootcamp takes place.
NB: No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please talk to us if you are experiencing financial hardship and we can work something out.


We want this to be as inclusive and as accessible as possible. Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

You can send us an email:, or DM us on our Facebook page.


We acknowledge that the planning of this project, as well as the training itself, takes place on stolen land. This is, was, and always will be Aboriginal land.


This intensive retreat will be taking place in Victoria.
Starts: 6pm Sunday 9th February 2020
Ends: 6pm Thursday 13th February 2020


This intensive retreat will be taking place in Victoria.

Tickets are found here

View event details on FACEBOOK EVENT

Hosted by APAN - Australia Palestine Advocacy Network

[Note: this is not an AFOPA-organised event; AFOPA takes no responsibility or liability for this event.]

8 February

Quiz Night

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