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AFOPA Book Club

  • Palestine Centre For Peace 60 Frome Street Adelaide, SA, 5000 Australia (map)

Welcome to the AFOPA Book Club.

BOOK: A Lover's Country, by Stuart Rees (2016)

Convenor: Dr David Faber, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Flinders University, and AFOPA Executive member and historian.

Told with a compelling immediacy, A Lover's Country sheds light on the intrigue, struggle and behind-the-scenes wrangling associated with the nomination of a Palestinian woman as the recipient of a major peace prize. - William Lane, author of Over The Water and The Horses.
This is a beautifully written and engaging story. It traces the kind of love that can only develop when people fight for the rights of others and never waver despite incessant and dangerous opposition. In events set largely in San Francisco, London, Sydney, Jerusalem and Ramallah, that opposition includes powerful politicians and a compliant media who try to stifle accounts of a murder and a massacre. - Adam Courtenay, author of Amazon Men.




Purchase the book $25 >>

Purchase the book $25 >>


The AFOPA Book Club alternates scheduling of fiction and non-fiction works, and meets on the third Wednesday of the month.

Future books to be enjoyed are:

Wednesday, 19 October 2016: The next non-fiction work to be discussed at the Centre will be Against Our Better Judgement, a well-documented study of how American Zionists successfully lobbied professional politicians after WWII to overthrow agreed US policy in the Middle East in the interests of the creation and impunity of the State of Israel. The exercise is an historical model of elite political activism from which much can be learnt both positively and negatively. The book, of which we hold competitively priced stock obtained from the author not readily available elsewhere, will be considered in conjunction with The Israel Lobby, a contemporary 2006 study of the problem of the Zionist stranglehold on American Middle East policy.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016: The next novel to be discussed will be The Lemon Tree. We are hoping to attract a special guest presenter. Watch this space.

Date to be advised: And finally, the next non-fiction work on the agenda will be Anna Baltzer's Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories, documenting her experiences living in the West Bank over the period 2003-2007. A diary-like book documenting the everyday realities of life for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation, accompanied by a wealth of colour photography.


17 September

Dinner Dance Fundraiser

24 September

APAN Annual Dinner