Palestine and Adelaide Voices
Adelaide Voices is an independent quarterly newspaper created to provide an alternative to the Murdoch dominated media in Adelaide and beyond. The paper provides an opportunity for untold stories, perspectives and world views to reach beyond the mainstream platforms and provide a deeper and broader focus on issues of justice worldwide.
Adelaide Voices has always championed the Palestinian cause, acknowledging the Palestinian people’s ongoing struggle for recognition and redress under their occupation by the Zionist apartheid regime.
Our most recent issue headlines an article giving voice to the magnificent Palestinian speakers Adelaide Writers’ Week was privileged to host in March this year. After concerted and strident attempts to silence the voices of these authors, our paper wanted to give an added pathway for people who could not attend in person to hear their voices in their own words, describing their lived experience of life under daily brutality.
More than this, it echoes their assertions that the Palestinian spirit is strong and resilient, that their cause remains just and that hope burns brightly; that change is on the horizon when the world can hear their voices and understand their truth.
Adelaide Voices is produced by a dedicated team of volunteers and is available only in print form by subscription of $10 per annum (4 issues). For details. Please contact Adelaide Voices Inc, C/- PO Box 6042, Halifax St Adelaide SA 5000
Sue Shepherd
Adelaide Voices April-June 2023 edition featuring Adelaide Writers’ Week. Article by Sue Sheherd