2024 Walk for Palestine and the Mothers and Children of GAZA
In April of 2024 I will be taking 3 months off work to do a charity walk from Parliament House Perth, Western Australia to Parliament House Adelaide, South Australia. A trip of some 2,700km.
The walk will also help to increase awareness of the Palestinian cause for justice, self-determination and human rights. Seven support crew members will be helping me on the journey, driving the support vehicle etc. Several fundraising events are planned, starting with the launch of the project which took place at Aberfoyle Park High School earlier this year.
The GoFundMe page, QR code shown below, was also launched. As of 21/07/2023, $5,350 has been raised to cover the costs of doing the walk.
The charity that we are also raising money for is a program supported by the Near East Council of Churches, an organisation associated with the World Council of Churches. Here in Australia, the organisation, ACT FOR PEACE, is the international humanitarian agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia. I was involved with ACT FOR PEACE in 2015 when I took part in the Ecumenical Accompanier Program in Palestine Israel. In that program, I spent 3 months working as a human rights observer in the West Bank. ACT FOR PEACE has been in partnership with the NECC for over 10 years.
The NECC program supplies primary care for pregnant mothers, their newborns and children up to six years old. Please support the walk, in whatever way you can. When it comes to the vulnerable in the world, there should be no borders or boundaries to our compassion.
Craig Nielsen
QR code for 2024 Walk for Palestine GoFundMe page