DAY 1 - Palestine and the West: History & Broken Promises
Friday, 24 November 2017 | Venue: Napier Building, University of Adelaide
10:00 - Registration desk opens
10:30-12:30 - Postgraduate & Early Career Researcher (PG-ECR) presentations I
12:30-13:15 - Lunch
13:15-15:15 - Postgraduate & Early Career Researcher (PG-ECR) presentations II
16:00-17:15 - Symposium Registration [Foyer, Napier Building]
17:15-17:30 - Opening and Welcome
17:30-19:30 - Public lecture and Panel discussion
Session 1: Public Lecture: Different Perspectives on the Contemporary History of Palestine
Chair: Prof. Riaz Hassan
Contributors: Dr. Ahmad Shboul; A/Prof. Peter Slezak; Paul Heywood-Smith QC
This session OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, however registrations are essential please >>
Day 2 - Palestine and the West: Contemporary Realities
Saturday, 25 November 2017 | Venue: Napier Building, University of Adelaide
09:00-11:00 - Session 2
Session 2: Palestine in the Context of the Middle East
Chair: Mr Maher Mughrabi
Contributors: Mr Ian Parmeter; Dr Minerva Nasser-Eddine; Dr Gennaro Gervasio, followed by panel discussion
10:30-11:00 - Morning tea
11:00-12:30 - Session 2 continues
12:30-13:30 - Lunch
13:30-15:00 - Session 3
Session 3: The Elusive Two-State Solution
Chair: Mr Mike Khizam
Contributors: Mr Afif Safieh; Ms Diana Buttu; Ms Samah Sabawi, followed by panel discussion
15:00-15:30 - Afternoon tea
15:30-17:00 - Session 3 continues
17:30-19:00 - Keynote event
Edward Said Memorial Lecture
Venue: Elder Hall, University of Adelaide
Guest speaker: Mr Gideon Levy, Journalist, Haaretz
19:30-21:30 - Symposium Dinner (seating limited - purchase tickets at Registration Desk)
Day 3 - Palestine and the West: Challenges Ahead
Sunday, 26 November 2017 | Venue: Napier Building, University of Adelaide
09:00-10:30 - Session 4
Session 4: Palestinian leadership, Palestinian diaspora and the role of aid
Chair: Dr Ahmad Shboul
Contributors: Dr Nigel Parsons; Ms Samah Sabawi; Dr Toufic Haddad
10:30-11:00 - Morning tea
11:00-12:30 - Session 5
Session 5: Pathways to a Peaceful Resolution
Chair: Dr George Browning
Contributors: A/Prof. Peter Slezak; Mr Mohammed Sulaiman; Dr Michelle Burgis-Kasthala
12:30-13:30 - Lunch
13:30-15:30 - Session 6
Session 6: Future Possibilities for Justice and Equality
Chair: Maher Mughrabi
Contributors: Mr Gideon Levy; Mr Afif Safieh; Dr Ahmad Shboul; Dr Nigel Parsons; Ms Samah Sabawi; Bishop George Browning; Dr Michelle Burgis-Kasthala; Prof. Asad Ghanem
15:30 - Close of Symposium